Friday 8 June 2012

Plant lay out

Plant lay out ideally involve the allocation of space and the arrangement of equipment in such a manner that over all operations cost can be minimized .Objectives of plant layout---Produce batter quality product ,Maximum utilization of floor area ,Reduce internal transport ,Less scrap and waste ,Few accidents,Minimum production delays ,Principles of plant layout-----Principle of overall integration ,Principle of minimum distance,Principle of flow,Principle of cubic space ,Principle of satisfaction and safety,Principle of flexibility Neatness .Symptoms of bad layout Excess work in progress ,Poor utilization of available space,Long material flow in line , long production cycle ,Difficult to supervise and control .types of plant lay out 1.Process or ‘Functional’ Plant Layout,2.Line or ‘Product’ Plant Layout,3.‘Fixed Position’ Layout ,4.‘Random’ Layout .Plant layout techniques Templates ,3 D models

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